How to cite


If you use any information from GREEN-DB please cite: GREEN-DB: a framework for the annotation and prioritization of non-coding regulatory variants in whole-genome sequencing Giacopuzzi E., Popitsch N., Taylor JC. BiorXiv (2020)


When you use greenvaran for annotation please cite

If you use the GREEN-VARAN Nextflow workflow for additional annotations also cite

Brent S. Pedersen, Ryan M. Layer & Aaron R. Quinlan. Genome Biology volume 17, Article number: 118 (2016)

If you include annotation with a prediction score please also cite the corresponding paper

CADD 30371827
DANN 25338716
EIGEN 26727659
ExPecto 30013180
FATHMM-MKL 25583119
FATHMM-XF 28968714
FIRE 28961785
GenoCanyon 26015273
GenoSkyline-plus 27058395
GWAVA 24487584
LinSight 28288115
NCBoost 30744685
ncER 31748530
ReMM 27569544

Population AF

If you use population AF annotation with GREEN-VARAN workflow also cite the gnomAD paper: The mutational constraint spectrum quantified from variation in 141,456 humans