GREEN: Genomic Regulatory Elements ENcyclopedia

Welcome to the house of GREEN-DB and GREEN-VARAN! This documentation describes the resources part of the Genomic Regulatory Elements Encyclopedia

The GREEN project is made by 3 main components:

1. The GREEN-DB collection

The collection includes information useful for the annotation of non-coding variants in regulatory regions

  • a database (GREEN-DB) containing ~2.4M regulatory regions in the human genome with information on controlled gene(s) and tissue(s) of activity
  • pre-processed indexed BED files representing functional genomic signals (TFBS, DNase peaks, UCNE, TADs)
  • pre-processed indexed tables for 12 non-coding variant impact prediction scores and PhyloP100 conservation

The GREEN-DB files can be downloaded from Zenodo: All the additional pre-preprocessed datasets are also available from Zenodo, see the Download section.

2. The GREEN-VARAN tool set

This include tools and workflows that can be used to interact with information in the GREEN-DB and annotate VCF files

  • annotate small variants or structural variants with regulatory impact information, including possibly controlled genes
  • add additional annotations on functional elements and non-coding prediction scores
  • prioritize small variants for possible regulatory impact
  • given a list of variants or regions, query the GREEN-DB for detailed information

Available from GitHub:

3. The prioritization workflow

A Nextflow workflow is available to automate download of the GREEN-DB and supporting resources and run the prioritization workflow on a VCF file. This workflow can be run on one or multiple VCF file(s) and will automatically annotated the desired scores and regions and then perform GREEN-VARAN annotation.

Indices and tables